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Heartfelt thanks to Jayne Doah for the cover designs she has donated to the Stepping Stones series.
What do we see in our Present Moment? [1]
December, 2009
Written and translated from Hebrew by Yudit Cohen-Shoore [at my request]
Edited by C.C. Saint-Clair and published under Yudit’s patronage – Copyright Yudit CS, 2009
When we look around, we are able to identify people, objects, familiar surroundings and so on, because these items exist within our memory bank that
contains all that we have learned and experienced as well as the habits we have accumulated and desires we harbor – all things that we know.
Therefore, the world around us appears in our thoughts as it was. It is in this format that it has been saved and stored in our mind. Similarly, when we observe
stars, what we do see is merely the reflected light as it had been – sent by them from the past – one light year ago, ten light years or maybe a million light years
ago. Thus, our senses limit our perception of the world through the past.
Because life can only be experienced in each real-time moment, and it is in that moment alone that exists the new, the eternal and the infinite, our
observation of the world is like peeping through a screen that will never allow the whole clear picture but only a distorted silhouette of it.
What doesn’t exist within our memory no longer exists in real-time for us. Every time we find ourselves in front of a stranger or faced with a situation never
experienced before, we pop them into pre-labelled little jars. That way, they immediately become familiar to us, and we feel we know exactly how to respond
to these new experiences. Alas, the only tool we have to achieve this is Thought, and the image Thought produces is always a distorted one – never the thing
itself, always a facsimile.
In fact, we go about living the moment like the person who is intent on playing a hand of cards, the same way today as yesterday, as last year, while ignoring
the reality of the other players’ cards at any one moment of the game in progress.
In a bustling street full of people and vehicles, we are able to truly see but a few items. The parade of people passing by us is that of faceless and unreal
silhouettes. We notice our circumstances, events and people, according to whichever thoughts have monopolized our brain.
For example, if we are running late, any person stepping in our path, any red light – any delay – is immediately perceived as playing its part to prevent us from
arriving at our destination on time.
Then we react negatively, sometimes even aggressively, to clear our path of these nuisances. We might brusquely shove someone aside or honk at the driver
of the car ahead of us or be rude to the pedestrian whose right to cross safely we have just disregarded.
Reality is that when the inner flow is blocked, it will find a release in the form of further delays and various nuisances and in the inability to make things flow
without being stuck or breaking down.
We might be pulled up by the police, we might ignore the dashboard signals and run out of petrol rather than stop. We might drop our keys in a drain as we lock
the car. While we are totally unable to make anything move any faster, the list of potential complications created within a mind seized by a flurry of random
and erratic priorities are as familiar to us and it is endless.
Every nuisance, disturbance or new situation is destined to wake us from the sleeping condition that afflicts us and change its symptomatic ignorant
blindness into observation and awareness. Any attempt to push the nuisance aside – a symptom of a central problem – would cause its temporary delay, but
not its solution.
Our inability to see the whole picture is derived from an excessive identification with the persona and thus with our outer world. We fail to understand that
what we see all around is but a reflection of our inner world.
When we try to make sense of the world by Thought alone, we are not open to seeing anything that is not already trapped in our memory. If it weren’t so, we
wouldn’t be able to notice, let alone identify any real-time event. Since ‘thinking’ is a mechanical process that analyses fresh circumstances according to the
models already in place, ‘thinking’ can only create a permanent conflict between the signals as they appear from the past and this current moment which is
also new and eternal.
Our dependence on mechanical thought causes us to be attracted to people and experiences linked to the same source. As the saying goes, “like attracts
We are connected to one another through the aura – the magnetic fields that surround each one of us.
What we attract through our aura is one hundred per cent ours, regardless of whether we like it or we don’t. Since everything is neutral in itself, the value we
give anything and anyone is purely subjective. Everything springs from primaeval matter – the Original source of life – and therefore all that is of our world can
only be of the highest nature.
Separating people, interactions and circumstances according to the ones we welcome and those we want to reject because they seem unpleasant, difficult
or frustrating, creates inner confusion and a lack of inner harmony.
Any friction, conflict or pain means that things have slipped out of a harmonious wholeness and have become splintered. Amendment cannot be achieved by
rejecting what is perceived as a challenge to our comfort zones but by accepting it with an open heart, thus returning the moment to its natural wholeness in
the harmonious formation of life, because within all things is imprinted a will to return to their source.
Looking at the world through our persona’s limited sight causes us to make wrong choices according to the measure of pleasure we expect to derive from
them – not according to the amendment that needs to be achieved. When it comes to our magnetic field, we need to accept that there could never be a case
of mistaken identity whereby any ‘thing’ at all intended for someone else will, by a twist of fate, fall into our lap. Of course, the reverse is equally true: not a
single ‘thing’ karmically intended for each one of us, be it a lucky break or a setback, can possibly end up with someone else.
Take, for example, thieves who steal valuable items. These people are unable to hold on to their ‘gain’ because these valuables, belonging to a rightful owner,
are not energetically encoded to them. Thus, they find it impossible to profit wholly from these items or their proceeds, if sold or passed on to others. On the
other hand, we recognize characteristic strokes on an artist’s canvas and we recognize a characteristic turn of phrase in a writer’s work and it is thus possible
to identify them as the rightful owners of these works of art.
The uniqueness of our energy fields is made visible and concrete by the whorls of our fingerprints, and no two people in the world have identical fingerprints.
That is, every one of us has a unique energetic code that belongs to us alone. This code is stamped on each of our deeds and thoughts as clearly as a barcode
on a can of soup.
An honest look at ourselves would reveal that we don’t really know how the things we do are actually performed by us. We don’t truly know how we move our
hands and feet, or how we speak, or why we choose to utter a certain thing at a certain time, or why we are attracted to certain things and certain types of
persons while we are turned off by others. The multitude of things we experience daily moves on a different level altogether. Clearly, we cannot say that we
are this body. We refer to the content of all that is us as ‘my body’, ‘my foot’ and ‘my head’. In the same way, we refer to what is intangible such as ‘my thought’.
However, we do not say, ‘I am body’, nor do we say, ‘I am head’ or ‘I am foot/hand’ or ‘I am thought’.
Who, then, is that ‘I’ who has this body and this head? To whom does this foot/hand belong?
What Do We See In The Present Moment? [2]
On a practical physical level, the ‘I’ is but a thought which separates itself from its surroundings by partitioning off the person who experiences and the
experience itself, thus creating an illusion that the outside world is separated on its own. Because of this limited perception, we identify around us a world
that is little, limited and narrow, which consists of old and familiar items and, therefore, each person perceives a different world, although we are clearly
looking at the same things because processed action and projection are different according to thought.
The eye absorbs vibrations of a certain frequency which the brain translates into a picture that is thrown up and absorbed by the eye in the form of shapes
and colours. The ear absorbs vibrations of another frequency which are translated into sounds. The nose absorbs vibrations that are translated into smells,
and so with our other senses.
Absorbing the world around us through limited senses, while at the same time translating and separating it by mechanical thinking into multitudinous items,
causes our sight to distort reality because of the inability to see the connection between the items and their meaning, as if each person creates a movie of
her/his own when the connection between the movies is only partial or doesn’t exist at all.
That is, we live in a cocoon, within an illusion, as a reflection, and not as a real image.
Observing the way we think would reveal that our thoughts consist of a multitude of particles that are connected together into a kind of complete puzzle
created by one word, one concept, one event at a time. By themselves, the particles have no real essence. We could compare our disconnected thinking to a
series of pictures imprinted on the film that are static and two-dimensional. Once viewed through a movie projector, they would create the illusion of moving
three-dimensional images that look absolutely real.
Every action and every thought that is repeated becomes a habit. We can drive a car while talking or while being absorbed by our own thoughts and, at the
same time, we can react to signposts and to the traffic on the road. Thoughts are our automatic pilot.
Our actions are utterly mechanical and we act/react without being aware of ourselves.
Our thoughts enable us to move backwards in time, back to our earliest childhood memories, to feel old experiences with a maximum identification with what
happened back then, just as if it had just happened, and switch back to the present time without missing a beat.
This ability is destined to give us the apparent impression that we are the same person that we were a minute ago – the same person we were many years
Though ill-advised persons interfere with the natural ways of the bodies by straining their hearts with inappropriate breathing exercises, yoga asanas that
can damage the brain and strain the body or by encouraging delusional thinking by practising the so-called power of positive thinking, the automatic
functions the body performs on its own, like breathing and digesting, are intended to prevent us from interfering with physical mechanics we do not truly
In fact, what these automated functions do is reveal the essence of our limited persona whose intended sole function is to serve the higher ‘I’, soul, and to act
as a connecting channel between her and the body.
The persona consists of particles of factual information: a name, an address, family, friends, work, pleasures, time off etc. – the picture of our life. This picture
is like a puzzle in which every piece, in the original configuration, is exactly at the right place. If we migrated to another country and changed our name, our
address, our work, our friends and our way of life – nothing would be changed within our picture formation. Our capabilities would remain as they are and the
only change would be in the location of the items within the whole picture.
The backdrop might be different but the essence of us would remain unchanged.
When we force a change out of self-contracted will, we increase our physical gross matter because everything is energy that behaves according to Earth’s
Law of Attraction. Therefore, when we move things around to control and shape them according to our needs, we alter the entire puzzle and the pieces no
longer fit comfortably together.
For example, migrating to another country could, perhaps, allow us to achieve personal/financial success, but our heart would remain forever in our homeland,
which is the source of our energy. There are very few great thinkers who have migrated to other countries but those who did, like Kahlil Gibran, have
expressed their longing for their homeland in the body of their work. Such a longing expresses their yearning for a union with their soul.
When we accept the picture of our life, such as it is, we will be in harmony with our surroundings and with ourselves.
Any attempt to manipulate the picture by removing what bits we don’t like creates a void that cannot be filled by any substitute.
This is because the persona tends to ignore items she perceives as difficult and painful and to be attached to items that create pleasure, and thus she leaves
unsolved interests which return again and again to mention their existence and the need to find their solution.
An example is that of parents interfering with their children’s lives, imposing their perception, claiming they know exactly what needs to be done to ‘succeed’
in their life. They want to spare their children the pain and suffering they have been experiencing, and they push their children, even when they have become
adults with a right to self-determination, into pathways that they deem appropriate.
Such meddling might, eventually, bring on some sort of physical or material success within our societal cocoon, but it prevents true spiritual development and
precludes any move beyond the limitations of the ego.
Every intervention causes things to move from their pre-ordained location in our life picture. The reality is that no one can prevent anyone from the need to
amend because, as mentioned, our fate is imprinted in our aura and only an opening of the heart to unconditional love can alter it.
The persona is an excellent servant suited to perform essential tasks, like looking after the physical body and performing menial tasks such as cooking,
cleaning, shopping, going to work etc. But should we ask the persona questions such as – What is the meaning of life? What is our destiny, here, in this
Why are we never satisfied with what we have, no matter how much we do have? What is this inner conflict that does not let us rest even though we are
supposed to be relaxed and peaceful? – she is unable to give us helpful answers.
As the limited mechanical system that it is, the persona gets her energy via the magnetic field, the aura, of those around. Potentially, the aura is the spirit of
life, God’s image. All our life’s details are imprinted on the aura, and the brain adapts the data and transmits them to us.
In order to stay awake, the persona needs constant stimulation, and the life around us is the catalyst that rouses us into activity by connecting us with
people, objects and circumstances.
When encounters with the outer world are abrasive and accompanied by friction, it is a sure sign that Soul’s message has not been absorbed and that we
need a painful trial to set us back on the path from which we have deviated.
Looking through persona’s eyes reveals a narrow and limited world that causes a feeling of suffocation – the boredom that is so widespread in modern society
– while we are controlled by the mechanical patterns that repeat themselves and become abhorrent because we are not progressing in a spiritual direction.
We are mistaken in thinking that the source of institutionalized boredom is an uninteresting book/movie/lecture/person/life.
Actually, the problem is within us, in our mechanical interpretation of things that does not go beyond known and limited boundaries, that traps us again and
again, while Soul is trying to draw beyond the known and into limitless possibilities where everything exists and is present now, in this very moment, and is
given to us unconditionally.
The 3- D persona can give us only what is within the boundaries of her capabilities: conditional love, well-worn and opinionated ideas, isolation and petty
concerns within constricting boundaries, with constant fear as companion because of the unheeded need to throw away our crutches and stand firmly,
liberated from the limits and the mechanical chains.
What Do We See In Our Present Moment?