Would The Real Soul, Please, Rise [1]
Posted on Jan 21, 2008
A little more than one year on the path, I still don’t have a clear idea of where will take me my attempts to write on matters of a spiritual nature. I only know that
it is not a clever and oh, so subtle marketing ploy intended as a teaser for the next Saint-Clair novel. Instead, I am simply intending to share some of the
amazing teachings I am privileged to be receiving daily from the woman who has become my first – and very much unanticipated – spiritual teacher.
Her name is Yudit Cohen-Shoore. She lives in Jerusalem, Israel. There, she is also known by some as Moria.
Yudit doesn’t have a website and there are no books bearing her name. Yet, she has taught me all that now understand and accept on all matters of the heart
and soul. Obviously, only some 20 months in, I still have a very-very long way to go on the path to transformational, spiritual discoveries and their direct
application to daily life, but … work in progress always rocks.
Hand on heart, whether any raw ‘footage’ born of this challenging, new, endeavour ever gets
formatted into a book or remains an ever-growing series of blogs and articles on the long
continuum of learnings, I have already decided that all that I might write on matters of the heart and
soul will remain publications all can access as free downloads in their entirety – from the first capital
letter of the texts to the very last dots.
Since I am not [yet] a philanthropist and would not want to pass for the altruist that I am not – bad
karma – I should perhaps explain why I am going to forge ahead with such a project:
1.The process of thinking out loud with the aim of sharing, and therefore being understood by
others, means that I have to put a great deal of order and clarity to the many thoughts that are, for
now, colliding, whirring hard, sparking new synaptic connections inside my brain, inside my neural
net, inside my mind … inside my energy field.
2.Not everyone reading this or listening to the podcast will come into these texts with as little understanding as I had on matters of spirituality. Therefore,
some of the more involved concepts and beliefs I will attempt to put forward in Yudit’s pared-down style will strike a familiar chord in some, an instantaneous
spark of interest in others. And me, I get to give back to the cosmos some of what it has brought to me through the teachings of Yudit who, for reasons of
detachment from all that is material, is not at all interested in writing her own book. There is no point in Googling her – she is not there.
3. Since Yudit has yet to accept from me anything more than a few tiny tokens of thanks, indeed very few, how could I then sell the fruit of the spiritual
guidance I am receiving free when it is given to me so unconditionally? No way, right? Right! But before anything, I need to flag that, although I have used the
expression ‘bad karma’ in the paragraph above, it is seriously erroneous to think of karma in that way. Karma is neither good nor bad. Like the sea around the
swimmer, it just is. More on that later in another mind-meander.
OK, so now that the groundwork has been laid, let’s cut to the chase and start with the relatively easy bits – some of the fundamentals I have come to
understand and accept:
I am the current incarnation of my soul.
My soul, like all souls, is energy.
Cosmic spiritual energy is pure. It cannot become impure.
There are no such things, as ‘dark’ or ‘lost’ or ‘sad’ or ‘lonely’ souls. These are emotion-driven attributes and, lucky for us, our souls are free of the
randomness of emotions.
We, mere humans, have no business ‘saving’ either our soul or anyone else’s, as souls are … souls.
Any genuine enlightenment can only shine from ‘above’ and illuminate ‘below’. Thus, our limited 3-D persona cannot bring relief or illuminate anything …
invisible – and certainly not any energy from the astral realm or, as some call it these days, from the quantum field.
When someone questions my integrity or when I get deeply startled, I know my hand flies to the centre of my chest, not to my brain, not to the spot
where I can feel my heartbeat. It flies to where my soul resides.
So, rather than think my soul radiates or floats above my head like a halo or a beacon, I accept that my soul-energy permeates the spot in the centre of my
My soul, like all souls, is ancient. She has been incarnated many, many, many, many times over. Personally, I have no interest in tracking down any of my
past lives, as I have plenty to work with figuring out this one, the only one that matters, the only one I can maybe alter, one moment at a time, if and
when I am able to transfer the theory to the practice.
The only thing my soul, any soul, aspires to is to be taken offline – off the incarnation cycle.
My soul cannot escape from the incarnation cycle until I, C.C., and all my soul’s subsequent incarnations, have managed to edit out all the ‘bad’ karma i.e. the
killer-waves, the dark troughs and chasms as well as the energy-charged “I” moments, the “me 1st/mine 1st” moments – in short the ego-centred moments
when I am not present in the moment – out of my energy field – the theory being that, as the universe is perfectly harmonious, no soul can walk away leaving
behind a mess of unfinished business – karma not amended.
Guilt and prayers, remorse and flagellations only amount to emotional crutches intended to make us feel better, but fail. Which brings up the well-worn
phrase Consumed by guilt.
Would The Real Soul, Please, Rise! [2]
Posted on Jan 29, 2008
La Petite Chartreuse, directed by Jean-Pierre Denis, a French film about an introverted man, an antiquarian, who accidentally runs over an eight-year-old
girl, offers a thoughtful illustration of what amending karma can look like.
Indeed, the only way to karmically right a wrong is to undo the wrong by reversing the deed through personal involvement and from the heart. Not out of a
sense of duty. Karma can only be amended when we can repair directly with our victim – should we be so lucky as to still have her/him within reach.
There is no other way.
N.B. I have decided to refer to my soul as ‘she’, as I don’t think ‘it’ would be appropriate, not even a bold ‘It’, and I cannot possibly refer to MY soul as ‘he’, not
even if spelt with a capital H, even though I know all souls are genderless – such are the limitations of language, but here is not the place to be pedantic about
language. Just as a computer has a motherboard – our brain, for its functioning, relies on a software program – so, too, does our energy field in which our
karma is encoded. When I am in a ‘mood’, this mood in all of its vibrational characteristics is encoded in my energy field.
Karma is our personal, accumulated, fateful load – our score sheet as inherited from our soul’s previous incarnations, compounded by the karmic balance of
what we have managed for ourselves in THIS incarnation, this lifetime. Put simply, since I am past middle age, and since I show no signs of turning into a clone
of mother Teresa or of passing as a credible entrant in a Gandhi think-alike contest, it is safe to assume that my soul has already been screwed out of any early
plans of Nirvanic retirement.
I, who never ever used to spare a thought for my soul, have come to accept that we do not merely ‘get’ a soul in a random way. Instead, it can be said
figuratively that a soul puts its little hand up to accept us as the new vehicle through which she hopes to process some of her karmic baggage.
Souls pick us to be their upgraded vehicle to karmic enlightenment – go figure! – which is why it is tacitly accepted that we ARE able to overcome all and any of
the karmic challenges that come our way – if and only if we can tackle them in a spiritual manner which, of course, is not the way our western culture has ever
taught anyone to overcome anything.
It can be said that, like a net, our energy field hardens around us, a little bit more with each passing incarnation, making it each time more difficult for us to
amend ‘the way we are’. Which is probably why, by now, unless we get a very strong wake-up call – a sometime metaphoric, a sometime literal, blow to the head
– it is that much easier to go with the flow and keep on ‘being ourselves’.
I have come to realize that the only spiritually correct answer to “Who am I?” is I am my Soul!
So, who is this person looking back in the mirror? The one with spiky grey hair who, every morning, gels up her hair and picks around till she finds the right sea
pebbles or the right plugs to push into her earlobes? Ah, yes, that one! Well, her name is C.C. and she is an ego-persona. She is my soul’s flawed vehicle for this
We do not usually hear the whisper of our soul over the din of the monkey chatter, the erratic whir of our mechanical actions/reactions as they cruise in and
out, like teenagers at party. Some time ago, while trying to clarify a point on a forum I moderate, I came up with a little analogy that has helped me understand
better the relationship between the soul – pure, clean energy – and the ego-persona/energy field.
It goes like this: imagine there is a pond and, lying at the bottom, there is a quartz crystal. This crystal has been there for quite some time and, looking at it from
above, it appears dingy green, perhaps from pond slime.
In my mind, our ego-persona/our energy field is symbolized by the pond water while the crystal symbolizes the soul that is unable to shine through our
emotional clutter, turmoil and the resulting relative negativity of our energy field. While I was working this out, I initially thought that the crystal WAS green
because it had become contaminated by pond slime.
Thus, I thought what needed to be done was scrub that crystal clean to allow it to shine freely, as crystals do – but I was wrong. The crystal, our soul, NEVER
becomes impure or contaminated. It always remains pure energy.
It is just that its energy cannot shine through the stagnant water of the pond.
So what needs to be done is simply purify that water till it is all clear and then the crystal’s energy and brilliance can radiate through the water, all the way to
the surface, even as it remains at the bottom of the pond.
Does it all make sense, dear Reader?
Would The Real Soul, Please, Rise
You are very welcome to use, free of charge, any article authored by C.C. Saint-Clair or any section thereof, provided:
you acknowledge me as the author
you do not edit the content
Heartfelt thanks to Jayne Doah for the cover designs she has donated to the Stepping Stones series.