Karmic Moments – Imposed or Brewed? - [1]
Brisbane 2012
Michel de Montaigne, the great philosopher of the French Renaissance, might have been the one who first wrote, ‘My life has been full of terrible misfortunes,
most of which never happened’ but, five centuries later, it is easier than ever to fall prey to self-doubt and performance anxiety, on a number of fronts.
Humanity feels stuck.
Humanity is stuck.
The fear and anxiety manufactured by our desperation to never be perceived as ‘less than’ or ‘not worthy enough’ have become integral elements of the
human journey.
So is the recurrence of emotional pain, confusion and sorrow.
So is the yearning to make enriching connections and to lead enlarged lives.
So is the sense of isolation.
So is the resentment caused by the thought of being undervalued.
Heads up: each time we respond through inflamed emotions, we make a wrong turn in the conversation, in the relationship.
Reactions that get us side-tracked away from our deepest intentions are the accumulation of clues and opportunities missed and misunderstood. These
have nothing to do with ‘the other’.
They have nothing to do with ‘bad luck’ or ‘bad timing’ either.
Bottom line: our reactions have all to do with what has become an unreliable response mechanism, within each individual.
Our emotions - and whatever triggers them - is as they are.
We cannot change them.
Instead, our reactions to whichever emotions do fall under the umbrella of Personal Responsibility. They are always ours to address – ours alone - no their
Reality check: it is our responsibility to morph any nasty, emotional or physical reaction into a coherent, heart-based response.
Doing THAT is a sign of evolved social conscience.
Throughout the various plot beats of our lives, the blend and intensity of our emotions and reactions vary in magnitude and frequency, but these essential
elements are the hurdles over which we should ‘ninja jump’.
They are the LED flashing signs karmically-intended to command our attention and point to our higher purpose.
They prompt us to exert positive control over our emotions, thoughts, interactions and decisions.
They inspire us to review and, hopefully, update our belief system by shifting away from unsupportive thought patterns.
When we recognise these ‘moments’ or ‘episodes’ for what they are – challenges intended for personal growth – we need to reward ourselves with a thumbs-
After all, exercising a higher degree of genuine free will by choosing coherently, not just the quality of the moment underfoot, but the quality of the energetic
ripples already spreading as we speak, is what personal evolution is about.
Bottom line: regardless of the situation in which we have gotten ourselves, there is always purpose – one purpose – and that purpose is for us to go deeper
and to aim higher.
The only way to evolve beyond our boxed-in, contracted, self-concerned approach to life is to, somehow, connect with our authentic selves. That is only
possible through an alignment of our compassionate heart and mind. The cornerstone has to be a solid understanding of practical spirituality that has our
Essential self, Soul, as the primary focus.
A practice focused on the interconnectivity of the body’s energy systems has restorative effects on our nervous system – the flipside of the effects induced
by fear, stress and anxiety.
Being concerned with the human spirit as opposed to physical things and ego-based posturing leads to holistic repairs throughout each of our body’s
An equally robust conviction of mine is that one specific soul amongst billions was karmically deployed from the quantum universe to become ours in this
current lifetime.
Yes, it is true, no one really currently knows much about the quantum universe or the quantum field but, like the neurons and the even more minuscule
protons that, until recently, had been invisible to all, it pays to accept the existence of a secular space where Intelligence resides, presides and decides
according to the quality of the energy we exude in our dealings with others, day-in/day out.
So, for now, let’s agree that Soul, every one’s soul – no exception - is the beacon, the intuition, intended to guide us through the mesh of our karmic web, such
as it has been pre-loaded and set to play out throughout the years of our lives.
Throughout our years as humans of flesh and fluids incarnated on Planet Earth – for a reason.
With a purpose to find and fulfil.
Karmic Moments – Make or Break US – [2]
Brisbane 2018
Reincarnated beings, we are not.
A reincarnated soul, we are.
The physical vehicle of our appointed soul, we are.
Our karmic life cycle began with the pre-ordained selection, not only of our biological parents but also of the region of our birthplace and its food and seasonal
patterns. I include the latter considerations, as it is generally understood that these factors impact pregnancy and gestation in several ways.
It is easy to imagine that immediately post-birth, in the weeks that follow and throughout early childhood, the experiences a child might have would differ
greatly, whether one was born in Oldham, Kyoto, Aleppo, Stockholm, Gaza City, or in a remote indigenous location in rural Australia.
Every human since the dawn of time has been appointed by birth as the designated righter of selected past wrongs. Provided we sense how to go about our
day-to-day with appropriate awareness, empathy, resilience and coherence, our life has the potential to yield a great sense of wholesome satisfaction and
even contentment.
We have all been tagged to reap recompense for repair to grievances suffered by several of our soul’s previous ‘vehicles’ on Earth.
Truly, there has to be ‘something’ greater out there than us, mere humans, who are as easily buffeted by our emotions as by tropical cyclones, destructive
tsunamis or devastating earthquakes – as by a lost promotion or a mere ‘bug’ in our gut.
So, let’s, for now, agree that our soul has been ‘assigned’ to us for specific karmic reasons which have to do with adjustments and retribution for acts
committed by a blend of her previous incarnations across the aeons.
As a result, the blueprint of our life is the result of the cocktail of energies created by the actions of those individuals who preceded us as human vehicles for
our soul.
At times those acts performed were horrific.
Surely, when we imagine or consider the atrocities perpetuated across the planet, if only in the past 80.000 years – if only in the past 200 years – in the past
50 years - we can accept that.
At other times actions were cruel while, at the easy-to-amend end of the spectrum, they were simply hurtful because self-centred.
The flipside of this is that our Essential Self, our soul, has the wherewithal to dispense rewards for the benevolence, compassion and nurturing with which we
are intended to approach each other – here and now in this lifetime.
She is the off-court, tournament referee floating high above the on-court umpire. Warning: it doesn’t pay to hit our racquet against THAT umpire’s chair.
Reality check: our current life is not only about us – far from it.
In this, our only human existence, right here and now, on our patch of turf, here and now, we are all intended to be inside-out superheroes against some odds.
No exemptions.
Good news for those who enjoy the journey more than the destination: the journey into conscious evolution never ends.
The bad news is that, sadly, none of our efforts will ever enable us to become the true masters of our destiny. Outcomes are the manifestation of energies
that ripple out through the mystery of each moment that pops up underfoot.
What new sets of connections and circumstances will be triggered, even by the manifestation of what we want the most, will remain veiled until revealed in a
fresh series of moments … whenever – in the fullness of time.
That said, there is another small piece of good news: even if Soul, Higher Intelligence doesn’t seem to be aware of us, the reality is that every positive thought
we release goes a long way into shaping our next step up and, incrementally, keeping us healthier … as another fresh series of moments reveal themselves –
Two examples from recent months come to mind as mind-meandering illustrations of karmic happenings.
First, four months ago at the time of writing, a massive celebration seized the world media and high-jacked billions of conversations.
It was the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
The unpredictability of unforeseeable karmic destiny played itself out on our screens and was viewed by more than two billion people worldwide.
As mediatised news do, particularly visually spectacular ones, this wedding generated energetic ripples of mega-voltage by way of the emotions, thoughts,
actions and reactions it triggered among the 110,000 spectators and guests attending, not to mention among those who chose to stay home that day and in
the millions of people interacting with others throughout the globe.
Imagine the number of personal plans and connections made, altered and broken – each yielding its own web of karmic uncertainty, suspense and
synchronicity into the next moment!
Serious question: by the time you come across this page, dear Reader, be it in 2020 or 2040, how many more ‘soul-crushing’ events have you personally
endured – or witnessed - from near or far?
Back to harry and Meghan … it is impossible to gauge how many instants and life paths will have been forever redesigned by the emotions, thoughts, beliefs,
arrangements, good and bad, triggered by news of the union of these two individuals who, two years ago, met in the course of a … blind date.
How many girls will have changed their names from Megan to Meghan?
How many babies will be named after Meghan’s first-born? Or Harry?
Bottom line: however innocuous or life-changing, invisible to all, ripples from this wedding will alter paths, no doubt already affecting thousands of strangers,
as we speak.
Then, a few months later, there was the collapse of the Ponte Morandi in Genoa, Italy. This event, too, created its own ocean of ripples. People expect bridges
to be forever imposing and forever strong, like their cathedrals and their skyscrapers.
The hubbub of blame, grief, questioning, repair, unforeseen opportunities plus active maintenance of bridge infrastructures means that people have come
together, colliding and problem-solving, creating a sea of invisible potentiality, as they do.
Many of us will remember the graphic image of that little green truck poised only meters from the precipice that had suddenly materialised only a few meters
away. According to the truck driver, seconds earlier, an overtaking car had forced him to slow down.
Annoyance at the driver might have been a likely reaction on the part of the driver of the little green truck. Seconds later, everything shook. The overtaking
car plunged off the sheared edge, following the 35 other vehicles that had preceded it on the bridge.
Instinctively, the driver of the little green truck slammed on his brakes, put the van into reverse and lived to tell his tale of ‘miraculous’ intervention on his
Bottom line: the person who seconds earlier had probably annoyed the driver of the little green truck had saved his life – though not intentionally.
Interestingly, the victims were citizens, not just of Italy, but also of Albania, Chile, Colombia, France, Jamaica, Moldova, Peru and Romania. Forty-three people,
including three children, died in that instant. Many more were spared.
Clearly, in the quantum field, the die had been cast much earlier that day, that year or maybe even years earlier, regarding those who, for reasons only known
in the Quantum universe, would be near the bridge, those who would be on it and those who would die below it on August 14, 2018.
No differently than is decided every minute of every day, even in the absence of shocking news. It’s just that, for reasons beyond our human understanding,
some moments of survival and some moments of death are karmically-intended to be more spectacular than others.
The more graphic or spectacular, the more shocking or mediatised an event, the more effect it can have on our psyche, the more ripples connect, shift and
blend – for better and for worse.
Therefore, the faster a global critical mass of us, humans, worldwide update our thoughts, beliefs, and plans with ones that are healthily detached from
energies one might catch like viruses – the more consequences are in positive flux.
Karmic Moments - Imposed Or Brewed?
You are very welcome to use, free of charge, any article authored by C.C. Saint-Clair or any section thereof, provided:
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Heartfelt thanks to Jayne Doah for the cover designs she has donated to the Stepping Stones series.