Personal Accountability – Up To A Point
Time to meander back to the start-up idea of our destiny
through personal accountability – up to a point
Time to meander back to the start-up idea of our destiny through
personal accountability – up to a point
Within the scope of our responsibility as parents, workers,
employers, providers and politicians, of course, we all need to
provide an active and loving duty of care in the right manner and
for the right reasons.
That said, there is always some reasonable limit to the duty of
care. The conundrum is always where to set that limit and what
type of penalty to apply when we merely look for human blame, as
opposed to amalgamating it within intentional karmic
Be that as it may, in the absence of a lightning bolt yielded by a
sky god, each karmically-engineered death requires either human
or animal intervention, a natural disaster or an otherwise
inexplicable set of circumstances – each being a karmic agent, by
any other name.
In secular parlance, and within the context of this mind-meander,
the vanishing phrase ‘an act of God’ used to refer to an
uncontrollable natural hazard. That phrase could now be replaced
by ‘an act of Karma’ from the astral field a.k.a. the quantum field or
‘an act of Energy’ from the quantum universe.
It pays to accept that, for reasons beyond human understanding
and manipulation, we all have shelf lives of varying lengths.
If hindsight were still available to us after dying, we could surely
say, ‘I should have known it was coming’ but, by then, hindsight is
no longer ours, and the grieving ones’ emotional pain affords them
neither a clear overview of the lost one’s energetic road map nor
of their own. Only regrets.
In hindsight, too, shaped by powerful energies operating beyond
our control, our lives’ plot beats seem inexorable.
That said, the quality of the energies that burst forth from all
parties touched by one’s passing resonates in the Astral world
and creates energetic shifts that ripple on and on – away from the
The exacting quantum universe projects energy shifts on to the
living tapestry that it co-weaves with each one of us. In doing so,
it imitates or reflects how we think of – and act towards – others.
In the fullness of time, this energetic tapestry delivers to our
doorstep content of unfathomable potential. It is all ours to
neutralise, amend, reap or harvest in the 3-D sequence we call
Life, here and now.
We all have an expiry date. It and our big exit event confirm
themselves, slowly, at the beat of our inherited genes, our
constitution and karma. At the beat, too, of our real-time, personal
priorities, of our emotions, of our decisions, actions and inactions
and also according to their intended protracted or immediate
effect on others, near and far.
Past a certain point, once the sharp sound of the gavel is released
in the quantum field, however inaudible it is to us on Earth and
regardless of one’s age and gender, status, opinions and
expectations, neither a shortening nor an extension of life will
ever be granted to anyone.
The tenor of our emotions, thoughts and actions – or inactions –
become encoded through repetition over an undetermined time
span. What is intended to pass will run its course.
An earthly situation or conflagration will be generated to move
each ‘persona’, each one of us, at the right time and the right
place for the crucial, unanticipated, but life-altering shift to
happen. Yes, though there is never any genuine intentionality,
some of us, karmic tools that we are, find ourselves unexpectedly
‘guilty’ of having brought someone’s life to a close.
Billions of karmically-orchestrated incidents unfold daily across
the globe, but one very sad illustration of this concept is
embedded in the ‘event’ that prompted an 86-year-old driver to
reverse her car out of a local shopping centre carpark at the
precise-exact moment a mother and her young daughters
stepped on to a pedestrian crossing immediately behind the car.
The youngest child died from her injuries.
Imagine the trauma and guilt suffered by the elderly driver who
had done nothing more than reverse her car out of its parking
space. Imagine the shock, the emotional pain, horror and guilt of
the girl who survived her little sister.
Imagine the grief and the feeling of guilt for the girls’ mother.
Different, of course, but imagine, too, the shock of the shoppers
who abandoned their cars and trolleys to help as best they could.
After all, each and every one of these people cast as characters in
this karmic tragedy, no-doubt lovely persons in their own right,
had only converged on that specific area of the mall for a spot of
Different again, but imagine the shock and dismay of the elderly
woman’s family and the mixed emotions that were released ‘out of
the blue’.
Equally, imagine the silent waves of energy that sparked, blended,
fractured and collided just from that moment of inadvertence in a
car park. Emotional connections will have been made on that
parking lot and soon after that would never have otherwise been
made. Some relationships will be enhanced by what came to pass
while others will fracture and implode under strain.
Feelings, ideas, thoughts, ha-ha moments that would not have
otherwise come to them will permeate the mind of others, leading
them for better or for worse to situations they had not
The bottom line is that whether we are going forward or making a
U-turn or backing up, we, drivers of our own lives, never have a
direct, transparent view of where we are going.
Personal Accountability - Up
To A Point