Mind-Meandering on Soul Matters – [1]
April 16, 2008
Every time we have an itch, you see, our first impulse is to scratch it, to indulge it. This works well for our pets and for all other animals but, we, humans, need
to know that emotional itches should not be scratched any more than physical ones, otherwise the bites never cease to itch; they get puffy, infected,
creating the extra side-effects that keep us in our blind-mouse ways, disconnected from our soul, and oblivious to the added dots of unhelpful karma that
connect in our energy field.
In the absence of absolute, authentic and verifiable knowledge, when it comes to esoteric explanations and beliefs, one can only abide by what fires up one’s
mind. As in all matters of views, it is pointless to insist that our belief system is the only one worth abiding by. So, what follows is simply a short list of my
newfound understanding which, in time, will probably become ‘my’ new found belief.
Sure! My soul is looking down the barrel of an ongoing cycle of incarnations, along with most of the souls currently incarnated which, for our souls, amounts to
nothing less than an endless string of life spans spent in captivity, with a disorientated sort of ‘feeling’, even though in the eternal spiritual realm, lifetimes are
over and done within the blink of an eye.
Our soul can suffocate over time. When she does, we become terminally ill, psychotic, or chronically depressed because she has given up hope of any karmic
amendment from us, and she is sinking. It has to be understood that matters of the soul can only manifest themselves to us at the mental/physical levels –
how else would we take notice?
As long as we react from an automated response system, what we put out comes back to bite us on the tail, and we complain about our bad luck and the
futility of life. Our souls cannot exist independently from our thoughts and our deeds.
What we sow, they reap. Karma is our personalized balance sheet. Unlike our bank statements of old that were keyed in by a human, the spiritual tabulator of
our consequences is infallible.
Here is a quick checklist that recaps essential soul-facts, as I currently understand them.
Every soul is ancient. As such, she is loaded down by the karma accumulated by all her previous incarnations.
Just as a mother is responsible for her child, or a scientist for her creation, be it Frankenstein or C-3PO [Star Wars], Erasmus [Dune] or one of the
Decepticons [Transformers], a soul is responsible for all her incarnations’ actions. However, like Sonny, the blue-eyed robot in I, Robot, we have become
For over two thousand years, our ego-persona [our energy field], has been our body’s built-in ‘party-girl’, one who seeks happiness through sensory
gratification and impulsive behaviours, while our soul seeks to secure for us the highest source of happiness – nothing less than paradisiac happiness –
through good old-fashioned spiritual enlightenment. Which explains why, by now, our karmic tail is probably as long as the tail of comet Hyakutake’s. Back in
1996, its tail, as recorded by the Ulysses craft, spanned some 571 million kilometres.
Compounded by our karmic inheritance, the compulsive nature of our struggle to hold on to what is impermanent and illusory – like the child who tries to
trap water in her fist only to watch it drip away – maintains our soul permanently captive of our ego-personas.
Because of our karmic baggage, we, as incarnations, have an ego-persona [energy field] made up of energy that is known as ‘gross energy’.
Point to remember: the more evolved we become – the thinner, the more sensitive our energy field becomes. The more powerful, too, because it is cleansed
of [gross] low-frequency vibrations.
Imagine how much better our old car would run if we treated it to more than the humdrum grease and oil change and kitted it out with a new carburettor
complete with its assortment of pumps, valves and tubes? Yudit might well be right when she says, “It would fly!”
It is important to remember that our soul is our higher self – it is pure energy – it cannot be made impure. Never. No matter what we get up to.
Since our ancient soul is the only real “I” and the only real “me” we have, it is our responsibility to amend some of the cumulative karma created by all her
previous incarnations, as well as the karma we create every minute we are not ‘in the moment’ in this, her current incarnation.
But wait, dear Reader! Again, there’s more…
Après moi, le deluge [After me, let the deluge come i.e. come what may] the French phrase usually attributed to Louis XV, but that might actually have been
spoken by Madame de Pompadour, represents the antithesis of how we need to concern ourselves with what will come to pass … after we are gone.
In fact, the most important thing – the one over which we have the most control – is to not create any new karma for whoever will inherit our soul, once we
shuffle off our mortal coil.
The task of our ego-persona [our energy field] is to be a tool that is clear and pure, so as to enable our soul to gain realization, awareness and
enlightenment through our own doing, through our actions – a step on the upward spiral of spiritual evolution. Our ultimate aim should be to surrender the
controls to our soul, to let her see through our eyes and to let her guide the vehicle that we are.
Human-made karma ‘forces’ souls to cycle through the incarnation spiral. The selection of souls operates according to Cosmic order and hierarchy.
Guides – maybe angels – are a part of the selection process.
No soul can walk away from any of its incarnations’ karmic debts and, so, the magnetic force of karma commands each soul back to a specific human body
until, with her and through her, we have amended all that was our karmic duty to amend in this or any other lifetime.
As I understand it, souls that have to re-incarnate too soon cause the incarnation to be emotionally unstable.
I am going out on a limb, here, thinking that, if this were to be true, then, a mass murderer’s actions might be prompted by an ego persona that is unusually
powerful – but diagnosed as having a severe mental condition. Having said that, I do believe that a soul – which is constant, pure energy – cannot deliberately
lead the ego-persona to commit a heinous crime.
Any crime committed is executed under the influence of our ego-persona. I tend to think that the same reasoning applies to individuals who suicide. An
overly powerful ego-persona creates a massive short-circuit that causes it to destroy the life it was intended to protect.
I suspect something similar happens with individuals who are overly charismatic. They enslave those of their followers who depend on them for a sense of
personal worthwhile they, themselves, are often deeply miserable and misguided human beings.
Thinking out loud: Imagine the cacophony of a nearby flock of parrots drowning your words. Extreme doses of that sort of erratic clamouring lead some
individuals to robotic, dead-heart behaviours that, on the surface, appear totally incomprehensible. How, indeed, to hear Soul’s whisper over din and turmoil?
What our civilization amounts to is some 6+ billion worth of egos going about their business as usual, while some 6 + billion souls are suffocating, only able to
whisper or weep but, mostly, I suspect, they are asleep. Gaining realization through successful karmic ‘edits’ made by the ego-persona is sublime.
At its best, it is about uniting with the highest energy there is and becoming whole. For our soul, it is the final Homecoming – the end of her incarnation cycle.
Free at last.
As ego- personas, each one of us can only aim for some sort of evolution. We must set ourselves goals. We must go beyond dreaming, beyond wishful
thinking. We should open ourselves to the challenge of hearing our soul’s whisper over the din of our existence, but, gently, gently.
As Yudit likes to remind me, “Too high a voltage in too small a bulb and the bulb explode.”
And the only way to safely increase the capacity of ‘the bulb’ is to be monitoring ourselves, our spikes, how our buttons are being pushed in our present
Soul Matters, Mind-Meander – [2]
May 4, 2008
Souls cannot think straight in the face of our ego’s gross matter – our energy field loaded by the energy released by the myriad of desires and weaknesses we
indulge daily, monthly, yearly, even though we all manage to repress some, maybe even most. There is a misconception that some souls can become dark and
Souls are souls, divine energy, and so they remain, no matter what we get up to.
Every time we pay into the culture of our culture, we fail to be present. Pleasurable pursuits such as retail therapy, sex and holidays are all good, harmless and
legal, but they are all engineered to take us away from the moment, from our ‘present’. They are, after all, called escapes.
We taint the moment energetically by releasing ‘spikes’ of energy, of adrenalin, each time we want to possess whatever object, person or moment because
as well as the exciting high of the chase, such pursuits trigger irritation, anger, fear, resentment, disappointment and insecurities.
Even the rush to end-of-year sales triggers its spikes. However harmless they appear to our ego-persona, all add negative blots to our energy field – to the
general karma that we actually need to edit out of our energy field.
Possessiveness is an indulgence that denotes emotional insecurity, whether what we are losing is a lover, a friend, a pet, an object, or a way of life. Adult
possessiveness is no different from the fear a child has of losing her teddy bear or that favourite hair band that cannot possibly be replaced, in her eyes, at
No action ever happens in isolation. Every action triggers an emotion, a thought, a reaction in ourselves and in others.
Even when we do … nothing, as illustrated by a little Zen tale that has been around for quite some time:
A man stood on a hill. Three men were out walking and notice the man in the distance. They began to argue about the man’s purpose in standing there. One
said, ‘He has probably lost his dog.’ The second disagreed: ‘No, he’s probably out looking for a friend.’ The third said, ‘He’s only standing up there to enjoy the
fresh air.’ The three could not agree and were still arguing by the time they approached the man himself.
The first man asked him, ‘Tell me, have you lost your dog?’
‘No, sir’, was the reply. ‘I have not lost him’.
Another asked, ‘Have you lost your friend?’
‘No, sir, I have not lost my friend either.’
Finally, the third man asked, ‘Are you here to enjoy the fresh air?’
‘No, sir.’
One of the men finally blurted, ‘Why, then, are you standing here for since you answer no to all our questions?’
The man shrugged and said, ‘I’m just standing’.
With any possession we clutch to our bosom, physically or figuratively, comes the fear of losing it. The two make a whole.
Because I accept that my moods, my anxiety, have twin corollaries imprinted in my energy field, even the buzz that I am feeling, as I type these words, is
questionable. If, as agreed, I am only my soul’s vehicle for this lifetime, then the thoughts lined up on these pages are all hers. I am only the keyboard operator.
As long as I recognize my little spike of excitement for what it is, I know I am aware.
No different, either, for A.A.s or Weight-Watchers: amendment, editing out of detrimental habits, begins only after a sincere wish to change has been
formulated and is followed up by rigorous self-observation.
Mind Meanderings On Soul Matters
You are very welcome to use, free of charge, any article authored by C.C. Saint-Clair or any section thereof, provided:
you acknowledge me as the author
you do not edit the content
Heartfelt thanks to Jayne Doah for the cover designs she has donated to the Stepping Stones series.