Tough Stuff: Thought Control As Relevant Today As Ever A Series of Mind-Meandering Blogs
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff
Here is a truism: breasts attract eyes as honey attracts bees. And here is another: What the eye does not admire, the heart does not covet. There is much wisdom in this ancient idiom but sexual desire has a mind of its own.

Breasts Attract Eyes As

Honey Attracts Bees

Bare All - Shine Light

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed in 1948 and guarantees the rights to equal wages for equal work, respect and personal safety to all persons. However, in some countries, it is said ‘life is cheap’,
Since keys and locks appeared in ancient Egypt and Assyria, Man has gone to great lengths to keep himself as well as his compassionate heart – behind locked gates in a bid to protect himself and all that he considers possessions.

About Locks And Defensive


The More Men Search for

Masculine Energy – The More

Naked Is the Female Body

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed in 1948 and guarantees the rights to equal wages for equal work, respect and personal safety to all persons. However, in some countries, it is said ‘life is cheap’,

Wonder Woman - Sexy


October, 2016 – Wonder Woman would become an honorary ambassador in support of the UN’s development goal five which is “to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”.

Women Struggling With

Humility [Part 4]

My teacher from Jerusalem, Yudit Cohen-Shoore, of blessed memory, also known as Moriya, once said to me, ‘Ego-driven choices are attention-seeking attitudes.

Women Carry The Brunt

Some of us do ponder how to begin redesigning aspects of what matters most to us in this lifetime.

Woman In Search Of Her

True Feminine Energy

An honest look at our personal and cultural modus operandi can generate a conscious rethinking of what, of our body-mind, is ours to adjust.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff

Why Does It Feel More Like

Regress Than Progress.

Brisbane 2019

Depending on where in the world we live, quite a few generations have enjoyed a lifetime of ‘plenty’ and ‘liberty’, even plenty of liberty – and today, more than ever before.

Woman Trapped In the Eye

Of The Beholder

An honest look at our personal and cultural modus operandi can generate a conscious rethinking of what, of our body-mind, is ours to adjust.

The Weakness We Fear

Experts tell us that a genuine sign of intelligence is not the type of qualification that is framed on our wall, but knowing that we are 100% absolutely in tune with each aspects of our life..

Which Aspect Of Our Body

Defines Us Best?

In the summer of 2012, a pair of breasts, free from all support and coverings, became a minor celebrity in downtown Manhattan.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff
Many years ago, Carl G. Jung put forward the notion that the persona is a mask for the collective psyche; that it is a mask that pretends to be accepted as unique. The persona’s end- goal is that the self believes in the reality of that mask.

Space is Matter But Does It


Progress or Regress Begins

in the Heart

Paint it, Baby! Paint It!

Man Under Stress –

Weakness We Fear

We know that everything is energy; that thoughts generate energy and that energy creates the fundamental building blocks of our reality.
An honest look at our personal and cultural modus operandi can generate a conscious rethinking of what, of our body-mind, is ours to adjust.
Man’s greatest fear is to have his insecurities made public. From womb to grave, Man’s greatest weakness is his dependence on Woman, the one he has always labelled ‘weak’. No wonder Man prefers to keep that insecurity on the quiet.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff

Man Designed As A Non-

Object Of Desire

Some of us do ponder how to begin redesigning aspects of what matters most to us in this lifetime.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff

Male And Female He

Created Them

In His Own Image Genesis 1:27 – So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff

Line of Separation =Me vs

You = Us vs Them

Climate change – Disasters

– Definitely ‘Man-Made’ –

Or Not?

An honest look at our personal and cultural modus operandi can generate a conscious rethinking of what is ours to adjust. Separation implies Separation = thinking that we are cuter, sexier, smarter, richer, gentler, more religious…
From Past to Present This text below which, within the framework of spiritual philosophy, deconstructs some of the most striking ‘occurrences’ that have made world headlines, is the 4th of a series written between 2010 and 2014.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff
You are very welcome to use, free of charge, any article authored by C.C. Saint-Clair or any section thereof, provided: you acknowledge me as the author you do not edit the content Heartfelt thanks to Jayne Doah for the cover designs she has donated to the Stepping Stones series.
Tough Stuff: Thought Control As Relevant Today As Ever A Series of Mind-Meandering Blogs
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff
Here is a truism: breasts attract eyes as honey attracts bees. And here is another: What the eye does not admire, the heart does not covet. There is much wisdom in this ancient idiom but sexual desire has a mind of its own.

Breasts Attract Eyes As

Honey Attracts Bees

Bare All - Shine Light

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed in 1948 and guarantees the rights to equal wages for equal work, respect and personal safety to all persons. However, in some countries, it is said ‘life is cheap’,
Since keys and locks appeared in ancient Egypt and Assyria, Man has gone to great lengths to keep himself as well as his compassionate heart – behind locked gates in a bid to protect himself and all that he considers possessions.

About Locks And Defensive


The More Men Search for

Masculine Energy – The More

Naked Is the Female Body

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed in 1948 and guarantees the rights to equal wages for equal work, respect and personal safety to all persons. However, in some countries, it is said ‘life is cheap’,

Wonder Woman - Sexy


October, 2016 – Wonder Woman would become an honorary ambassador in support of the UN’s development goal five which is “to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”.

Women Struggling With

Humility [Part 4]

My teacher from Jerusalem, Yudit Cohen-Shoore, of blessed memory, also known as Moriya, once said to me, ‘Ego-driven choices are attention- seeking attitudes.

Women Carry The Brunt

Some of us do ponder how to begin redesigning aspects of what matters most to us in this lifetime.

Woman In Search Of Her

True Feminine Energy

An honest look at our personal and cultural modus operandi can generate a conscious rethinking of what, of our body-mind, is ours to adjust.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff

Why Does It Feel More Like

Regress Than Progress.

Brisbane 2019

Depending on where in the world we live, quite a few generations have enjoyed a lifetime of ‘plenty’ and ‘liberty’, even plenty of liberty – and today, more than ever before.

Woman Trapped In the Eye

Of The Beholder

An honest look at our personal and cultural modus operandi can generate a conscious rethinking of what, of our body-mind, is ours to adjust.

The Weakness We Fear

Experts tell us that a genuine sign of intelligence is not the type of qualification that is framed on our wall, but knowing that we are 100% absolutely in tune with each aspects of our life..

Which Aspect Of Our Body

Defines Us Best?

In the summer of 2012, a pair of breasts, free from all support and coverings, became a minor celebrity in downtown Manhattan.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff
Many years ago, Carl G. Jung put forward the notion that the persona is a mask for the collective psyche; that it is a mask that pretends to be accepted as unique. The persona’s end-goal is that the self believes in the reality of that mask.

Space is Matter But Does It


Progress or Regress Begins

in the Heart

Paint it, Baby! Paint It!

Man Under Stress –

Weakness We Fear

We know that everything is energy; that thoughts generate energy and that energy creates the fundamental building blocks of our reality.
An honest look at our personal and cultural modus operandi can generate a conscious rethinking of what, of our body-mind, is ours to adjust.
Man’s greatest fear is to have his insecurities made public. From womb to grave, Man’s greatest weakness is his dependence on Woman, the one he has always labelled ‘weak’. No wonder Man prefers to keep that insecurity on the quiet.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff

Man Designed As A Non-

Object Of Desire

Some of us do ponder how to begin redesigning aspects of what matters most to us in this lifetime.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff

Male And Female He

Created Them

In His Own Image Genesis 1:27 – So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff

Line of Separation =Me vs

You = Us vs Them

Climate change – Disasters

– Definitely ‘Man-Made’ –

Or Not?

An honest look at our personal and cultural modus operandi can generate a conscious rethinking of what is ours to adjust. Separation implies Separation = thinking that we are cuter, sexier, smarter, richer, gentler, more religious…
From Past to Present This text below which, within the framework of spiritual philosophy, deconstructs some of the most striking ‘occurrences’ that have made world headlines, is the 4th of a series written between 2010 and 2014.
CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff CC Saint-Clair Tough Stuff